Napoleon Bonaparte
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Napoleon called her Eugenie for he did not like the name Desiree, with its suggstion of physical desire. After the fall of the November Uprising in 1831 he took out letters of naturalization in France and entered the French army.
More than a 1400 royalists died and the rest fled. The ascendancy of Napoleon proved to be an important event in Jewish emancipation from old laws restricting them to ghettos, as well as the many laws that limited Jews' rights to property, worship, and careers. Before his official abdication, Napoleon attempted with a pill but it did not work.
Napoleon - They guaranteed the rights and liberties won in the Revolution, including equality before the law and freedom of religion.
Napoleon Bonaparte : his family, life, career, campaigns, victories and defeats Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon Bonaparte, a citizen from Corsica, rose up to the greatest heights based on personal merit and not on birth. He has been the subject of more biographies to date than any other human being except Jesus Christ. A knight named Hugo is mentioned in an act of 1122 as fighting beside ext. Hugo's descendants sailed to seek their fortune in Corsica. In 1755 the independent Corsican Republic was formed under the leadership of Paoli. After a brief civil war in 1768-69, Corsica was incorporated into France in 1770. Charles, or Carlo, Buonaparte 1746-85the father of Napoleon, was secretary to Paoli during the napoleon bonaparte körpergröße years of the Corsican Republic. He was assessor of Ajaccio's Court of Justice, and deputy to represent the Corsican interests in Paris. Soon after the French conquest of Corsica, Charles embraced the new government. As a representative of the Corsican parliament, Carlo travelled to France. There, he saw the splendor of the French court in all its majesty. Napoleon never forgave his father for betraying his Corsican heritage. Napoleon's mother, Letitzia, was extremely shy. But she was also a hard, austere woman, toughened by war. She was a person for cleanliness and made her sons take daily baths. Napoleon did not mind this, but what he did mind was going to the church every Sunday. Napoleon was born in Ajaccio, on August 15, 1769. Letitzia and Carlo could not possibly have imagined the significance of that birth. Little could they have realised that their son would become a hero of France and the man who ultimately would become master of most of Europe. The house in which he was born became the National Bonaparte Museum. Napoleon was born few months after Corsican troops had been defeated by the French forces. He would spend his childhood hating France, the nation he would one day rule. Thirty thousand Frenchmen spewed on to our shores, drowning the throne of liberty in waves of blood. Napoleon's brothers 4 and sisters 3. With the death of his napoleon bonaparte körpergröße, Napoleon became the head and the protector of the family. Napoleon's parents, Charles Carlo and Letitzia, had many children. Joseph, their third child and the first to survive, was born in 1768, Napoleon in 1769, and nine other children, six of whom survived, in subsequent years. Bonapartes' sons and daughters, from the oldest to the youngest: - Joseph 1768 - Napoleon 1769 - Lucien 1775 - Élisa 1777 - Louis 1778 - Pauline 1780 - Caroline 1782 - Jérôme 1784 With the death of his father, Napoleon became the head and the protector of the family, and he acted in that capacity with dedication. For example once he assumed command of the Army of the Interior, he sent his mother 50,000 louis in coin and paper. For his brother Joseph he got an appointment as consul in Italy, for Lucien a post commissioner with the Army of the North. Louis became Napoleon's aide de camp. Jerome was sent to a good boarding school. Joseph Giuseppethe oldest brother. The parents thought that Joseph had the makings of a priest, while the rowdy Napoleon was more likely to have the gift for soldiering. Napoleon's mother after having had the napoleon bonaparte körpergröße of losing first a boy, then a girl, gave birth to a son, Joseph Giuseppe. Whereas Napoleon was full of energy and curiosity, Joseph was quiet and composed. He had good nature and would share his toys with other boys without asking a return. The rowdy Napoleon liked to take on his older brother. The parents thought that Joseph had the makings of a priest, while Napoleon was more likely to have the gift for soldiering. Joseph married Julie Clary in 1794 in France. They had had three daughters. In 1795 Joseph was a member of the Council of Ancients where he used his position to help Napoleon overthrow the Directory. Joseph was quietly intelligent man and a qualified lawyer. In 1806 Joseph was given military command of Naples in southern Italy, and shortly afterward was made king by Napoleon, to be replaced after 2 years by his sister's husband, Murat, when Joseph was made king of Spain in 1808. Joseph reluctantly left Naples and arrived in Spain. The rest napoleon bonaparte körpergröße his reign was tenuous and constantly warring with Spanish guerrillas. He never established complete control over the country. Joseph's army was defeated by Wellington's British-Spanish-Portuguese army at Vittoria. In 1814 Joseph commanded the troops in and around Paris and was defeated by Barclay de Tolly. For more information read article. He came to strongly oppose Napoleon's imperial ideas. Lucien held genuinely revolutionary views and came to strongly oppose many of Napoleon's imperial ideas. Napoleon made him Minister of the Interior under the Consulate. Lucien attempted to sail to the United States to escape his situation but was captured by the British and spent four years napoleon bonaparte körpergröße house arrest in Britain. As he got off the ship, he was greeted with applause by the British people, which saw him as anti-Napoleon. The government permitted him to settle comfortably in the countryside. Napoleon, viewing this as treasonous behaviour, had Lucien omitted from the Imperial almanacs' listing the Bonapartes from 1811 onward. Napoleon was angrythinking Lucien had deliberately gone to Britain. Lucien returned to France following his brother's abdication in April 1814. As the king of Holland, Louis Bonaparte guarded the welfare of his subjects. He served with Napoleon in Egypt and was made general by the age of 25, although he himself felt that he had risen too far. After becoming first consul, Napoleon arranged a marriage for Louis to Hortense de Beauharnais, the daughter of Josephine and Napoleon's stepdaughter. Napoleon made him the king of Holland in 1806. Louis introduced more humane criminal code and himself reviewed every death sentence. He also persuaded Napoleon to withdraw French troops and forced his court and ministers mostly supplied by Napoleon to speak only Dutch. When the Dutch protested that Napoleon's napoleon bonaparte körpergröße embargo was ruining them, Louis turned a blind eye to their importation of English goods. In 1810 Louis was removed by Napoleon from the Dutch throne. Louis, in his annoyance, wrote to the Kaiser of Austria asking for help to restore his kingdom. Put yourself at the head of 100,000 men and win back your kingdom. After his Napoleon bonaparte körpergröße kingdom was taken away from him the Austrian Emperor Francis I offered him asylum. He spent his later life in Switzerland and Italy, largely occupied with literary pursuits. Jerome was good-looking, cocky and spoiled show-off. As a naval ensign Jerome had deserted his ship in America to marry Elizabeth Patterson, a Baltimore girl of Irish origin. The couple sailed for Europe. Napoleon however refused to admit the marriage was valid. To his mistresses he gave diamonds, and to all who came his way 25 jeromes the coin bore his image. It was no surprising that soon Jerome ran up 2 million francs of debts. napoleon bonaparte körpergröße During the Jérôme commanded part of the Grand Army marching towards the front. Because he failed miserably with maneuvering against Russian flank Napoleon reprimanded him. Angered Jérôme returned to Westphalia. He led a small force in 1813 when his kingdom was being threatened by the Prussian and Russian armies. The Allies captured Kassel and declared the Kingdom of Westphalia dissolved. This ended his kingship and he then fled to France. In 1815 Jerome commanded a single infantry division. At Jerome's division failed to capture Hougoumont. When Napoleon's fortune failed, Pauline showed herself more loyal than any of his other sisters and brothers. Pauline was soft-hearted and charming. Napoleon married Pauline to General Leclerc in French-occupied Milan in 1797. In 1801 Napoleon willed to restore French authortity in Saint-Dominique, napoleon bonaparte körpergröße so organised an expedition under the command of Lecler. The climate however was taking its toll on Pauline's health. She could no longer walk and was compelled to a reclining position for several hours a day. In 1806, Napoleon made his sister sovereign Princess and Duchess of Guastalla. Pauline fell into temporary disfavor with her brother because of her hostility to young Empress Marie-Louise, Napoleon's second wife. But when Napoleon's fortune failed, Pauline showed herself more loyal than any of his other sisters and brothers. After Waterloo Pauline moved to Rome. She was ambitious, power-hungry, and continuously plotted against Napoleon's wife. Caroline was ambitious and power-hungry. She fell in love with Murat, one of her Napoleon's marshals, and they married in 1800. Caroline became Grand Duchess of Berg and Cleves in 1806 and Queen of Naples in 1808. Caroline was jealous of Joséphine and her children, as she felt Napoleon favoured them over his Bonaparte relatives. Caroline continuously plotted against Joséphine, Napoleon's wife. She excelled as an administrator and was fond of arts. Anna Maria Elisa Bonaparte excelled as an administrator and was fond of arts. Elisa and her husband were given the principality of Lucca. She founded two large libraries and a medical college. Louisa made Lucca a musical centre, with the famous ext. In 1808 Napoleon promoted his sister to be Grand Duchess of the Departments of Tuscany. If you want a thing done well, do it yourself. When Napoleon was 5 years old, he was sent to a school run by nuns. From the nuns Napoleon went to a boys' day school run by a certain Father Recco. He learned to read and write in Italian, for French innovations did not touch the schools. He learned arithmetic and this he liked very much. Napoleon was 9 years old when he entered the school at Autun. He was interested in no one, and found his amusements by himself. He rarely had a companion in his walks. He was quick to learn, and quick of apprehension in all ways. When I gave him a lesson, he fixed his eyes upon me with parted lips; but if I recapitulated anything I had said, his interest was gone, as he plainly showed by his manner. When reproved for this, he would answer coldly, I might almost say with an imperious air, 'I know it already, sir. In military school at Brienne. In school Napoleon hated singing and dancing. He loved mathematics, geography and history in 1781 was awarded a prize for mathematics When he went to Brienne in France, Napoleon left his older brother Joseph behind at Autun. To Napoleon France must have seemed its complete opposite to the mountainous, small and poor Corsica. A population of 25 million, one of the largest in the world, France enjoyed a high standard of living and exported almost twice as much as they imported. French furniture, jewelry and dresses graced houses from Spain to Russia, and from England to Italy. French language was the language of educated Europe, the great universal language that Latin has once been. In coming to this country Napoleon had entered the centre of European and western civilization and culture. From the napoleon bonaparte körpergröße day the atmosphere in the school was rather hostile to the boy. His older comrades were French, and it was the French who had subdued his Corsica. Napoleon was surrounded by students who were the children of nobles and have nothing in common with this poor foreigner. In Corsica he had been near the top socially; now he suddenly found himself near the bottom. While there were boys from overseas, including at least 2 English boys, Napoleon was the only Corsican. But he did something quite exceptional. Napoleon's response to bullying was insulting his fellow pupils, which led to fisticuffs. The taunts were followed by counter-taunts. The military school in Brienne was underfunded and so could not afford to engage top-class teachers. It was the lowest rank of all ten military schools and had the lowest student enrollment. There was a strict dress code. The typical menu contained soup, napoleon bonaparte körpergröße meat, salad and dessert. German was taught because it might be useful in a future war, history, georgraphy, and mathematics for their use in topography and so on. In school Napoleon enjoyed the stories about famous military leaders like Caesar. With the pupils watching, Napoleon came in, tense and staring straight ahead, dressed no coarse homespun. In my family we kneel only to God. Finally the headmaster intervened and cancelled the punishment. In school Napoleon hated: fencing, singing, and. He liked geography and history. One of his favorite books was Jerusalem Delivered by Tasso, an epic of the Crusaders. But he never mastered French language and spoke with an Italian accent. Napoleon was brilliant in mathematics in 1781 was awarded a prize for mathematics. Napoleon also read all he could about navy and artillery. He had grown up beside the sea and dreamed to be a sailor. A taste for mathematics often goes with a liking for the artillery, navy, and the technical arms. Britain and France were at war at that time, napoleon bonaparte körpergröße it was being fought at sea; moreover the French Admiral de Grasse, was actually enjoying some notable successes against the British navy. Along with few other cadets, Napoleon even slept in a hammock and dreamed about sea and napoleon bonaparte körpergröße. The end of the naval war between France and Britain made the young boy thinking about entering the British naval college at Portsmouth as a cadet. He wanted to see some military action and the British warships were often busy. There were many Frenchmen serving in foreign armies and navies. His parents however strongly disapproved his plan to be a sailor. In military academy in Paris. The atmosphere in the academy was of a garrison town and it pleased the young Napoleon. He was an excellent student and graduated earlier than normal. At the end of 5 years Napoleon was promoted to the military academy in Paris. The choice of pupils for this school was made by an inspector, Chevalier de Keralio. He was particularly pleased with Napoleon, and named him for promotion in spite of not yet being of the age required by the regulations. Will make an excellent sailor. Deserves to be sent to the school in Paris. There Napoleon felt much the provincional; he was seen gaping in all directions with just the expression to attract a pickpocket. This is the French equivalent to the West Point Military Academy in the United States, established in 1802. The first thing he did in Paris was to buy a book Gil Blas, a novel about a penniless Spanish boy who rises to become secretary to the Prime Minister. By never entering a cafe or going into society; by eating dry bread and brushing my own clothes so they might last the longer. I lived like a bear, in a little room, with books for my only friends and when, thanks to abstinence, I had saved up a few crowns, I rushed off to the bookseller's shop and visited his coveted shelves. These were the joys and debaucheries of my youth. Napoleon, because of his wish to join the navy, was placed in the artillery class, where he studied hydrostatics, and differential and integral calculus. One day Napoleon was on the parade ground, drilling with his long and unwieldy musket. He made a mistake, whereupon the senior cadet, who was instructing him, gave him a sharp rap over the knuckles. This was contrary to regulations. In a fury Napoleon threw napoleon bonaparte körpergröße musket at the senior cadet's head - never again, he swore, would he receive lessons from him. His superiors, seeing that they would have to handle this new cadet carefully, gave him another instructor, Alexandre des Mazis. In general however he was an excellent student and one of those who passed the tests for admission into the artillery. Napoleon came 42nd in the list of 48 who received commissions, but most of the others had spent several years in the school. He passed out after only one year. Napoleon was then commissioned second lieutenant in the artillery in the regiment of La Fère. Garrisoned at Valence, Napoleon continued his education, reading much, in particular works on strategy and tactics. It was during his time in Paris that his father, Charles, died of a stomach cancer. In 1814, after the Russian, Austrian and Prussian troops took Paris, Napoleon had taken some poison that he always carried with him. Caulaincourt called for help, including the Emperor's doctor Yvan. Napoleon, vomiting and in tremendous pain, asked the doctor to give him more poison to finish the job. During the campaign in Eastern Prussia and Poland in 1806-07 Napoleon was so tired that several times he fell asleep while sitting in the chair. He would later complain that he had not removed his boots for 14 straight days. It afected his health and physical strength, a key element in maintaining a clear focus for mental activity. Following the battle of his bloodiest battleNapoleon continued to have throat and cough problems, leaving him speechless. His urinary problems also continued throughout the campaign. Napoleon's corpulence I believe resulted - in part - from larger and richer meals. His second wife, Marie-Louise, liked rich food. In either case Napoleon would have manifested a marked change of character, sleepiness, and lack of will. I see no signs of such a falling off. On the contrary, Napoleon had never been more energetic than in 1813 and. Antommarchi signed a separate report. More than 2 years later Surgeon Henry, who had been present at the post-mortem, wrote another report for Hudson Lowe B. In it he says that the penis and testicles were 'very small'. This has been used by Kemble, Hillemand, and others for a theory of sexual infantilism, and therefore as evidence for a pituitary failure. It is important to see Henry's statement in context. It was Henry who wrote the official report signed by Shortt, etc. Napoleon would presumably have tried to hide any deficiency in this respect, had it existed. But in 1814 at Vauchamps he stood nude in sight of a detachment of troops, and we know from a report of Montchenu, the Emperor commissioner, that as late as 1819 Napoleon, stripped to the skin, bathed in one of the pools in his garden with Montholon. When we turn to the rest of Henry's report, we find that he has a tendency to find almost everything small: Napoleon's hands are small, so are his feet, so is his bladder, so is his heart. And there is a revealing incident in Henry's autobiography, where he goes out of his way to put Napoleon in a poor light. The favorite theory is hemorrhoids. But the only evidence for this specifically is a statement by Dr Barral in 1900 that King Jerome Bonaparte had told him that Napoleon was suffering from this ailment at Waterloo. But Jerome had by then been dead 40 years. Against this, there is a statement by L Marchand, Napoleon's valet, that the Emperor did not suffer from hemorrhoids on Elba, at Waterloo, or on St. In 1818 Napoleon had an attack of the liver disease which was prevalent in the island of St Helena. In 1819 a very painful disease of the stomach made him unable to eat. In 1821 Napoleon's health began to fail rapidly and he died in May. His physician, Francesco Antommarchi, led the autopsy which found the cause of death to be stomach cancer. Napoleon's father had died of stomach cancer though this was seemingly unknown at the time of the autopsy. Antommarchi found evidence of a stomach ulcer and it was the most convenient explanation for the British who wanted to avoid criticism over their care of the Emperor. A 2007 study found no evidence of arsenic poisoning in the relevant organs and stated that stomach cancer was the cause of death. Napoleon was not the only leader with health issues. From the age of 17 to almost the end of his life, George Washington had recurrent attacks of malaria. Washington, the father of United States was never a father. Washington also suffered from smallpox and it took him two years to recover fully and smallpox infection play great role in infertility in men. In 1755 Washington developed dysentery and was so ill that he had to tie pillows to his saddle in order to ride his horse. Prussian General von Blucher's health was never very good. At times Blucher startled the household by shouting and smashing furniture as he engaged an invisible foe. He frequently begged his servants to smite his head with a hammer, claiming that it was made of stone. According to Hermann von Boyen: 'He actually believed that he was pregnant with an elephant. Therefore, when sitting, he kept his legs raised above the floor or he would walk on the tips of his toes. The old hussar battled insanity as well as venereal disease, alcoholism, and an ulcerated urethra. When hostilities began between France and Austria on 9 April 1809, Blucher's health recovered with the prospect of war. There is nothing of the charlatan in his appearance, nothing theatrical or artificial. Amongst familiars his laugh was loud. Russian officer, Dennis Davidov, saw Napoleon in 1807. Believing them, I had supposed that Napoleon sported a rather large napoleon bonaparte körpergröße nose, dark eyes and dark hair - in a word, the true Italian facial type. In fact, his face was slightly swarthy, with regular features. His nose was not very large, but straight, with a very slight, hardly noticeable bend. The hair on his head was not black, but dark reddish-blond; his eyebrows and eyelashes were much darker than the colour of his hair, and his blue eyes, set off by the almost black lashes, gave him a most pleasing expression. But what was peculiar to him alone was a nobility of bearing and an urbane, martial air, which undoubtedly was derived from the habit of commanding men and a consciousness of moral superiority. No less remarkable were the ease and frankness of his approach, his natural dexterity and the quickness of his movements. The first one from Russian officer Lowenstern and the second from Captain Ross of British navy. Russian cavalry officer, Baron von Lowenstern, saw the Emperor in 1809. I really must say that as I approached him, in no way did he make the impression on me that I had anticipated. I found him more corpulent that he is usually portrayed. He is very sallow, with light grey eyes, and rather thin, greasy-looking brown hair, and altogether a very nasty, priestlike-looking fellow. Ross, commander of the Northumberland, British ship-of-the-line. While he was dressed in a very modest way, his marshals and officers' uniforms were loaded with gold lace. For daily use, during campaign, march etc. Napoleon wore the undress dark green coat of colonel of Guard Horse Chasseurs see picture, right. It was his favorite form of napoleon bonaparte körpergröße he was buried in itand it was often worn under the famous grey overcoat. Napoleon contended himself with a simple hat. Napoleon wore this hat in 1799, the year he seized power in France to become First Consul. Napoleon preferred to preach simplicity. While he was dressed in a very modest way, his marshals and Guard officers' uniforms were loaded with gold lace. His pale face, cold features, and keen, serious gaze made an almost uncanny impression on my mind, while the glitter of the many uniforms which surrounded him heightened the contrast of his inconspicuous appearance. When in 1812 Napoleon appeared at Kovno on the Polish-Russian border, he wore uniform of a Polish light cavalry officer. During the meeting with officers in Paris in 24th January 1814 the Emperor wore the uniform of the commander in chief of the National Guard. For example in 1804 on sundays in Camp of Boulogne, in 1806 when he meditated for some time at the tomb of Prussian King Frederick the Great, while reviewing the Russian Guards art Tilsit in 1807 see picture, left or, in 1807 napoleon bonaparte körpergröße meeting with Polish officials, etc. His Hat quite plain with a very small Cockade. The ease with which people of all sorts approached him sufficiently shew'd that He had no personal apprehension. Napoleon's autopsy report states that he was about 5 foot 6. Because Napoleon was often surrounded by the tall veterans of Old Guard it gave the impression of him being smaller. Napoleon was 168-169 cm tall. The average height of French line infantryman in that time was 165 cm. The average height of grenadier of the Old Guard was 180 cm. In later life, he ran to fat and this may have made him appear shorter; he was too, often accompanied by grenadiers of his guard, who were invariably 6 feet tall or more. Napoleon's most popular nickname was Little Corporal. After the battle of Lodi the French soldiers gave him the affectionate nickname Le Petit Corporal because he sighted a cannon, usually it was job for an corporal. Napoleon studied artillery and became artillery officer. Other nicknames: - Le Tondu - The Baldy, called by his soldiers. For example: Vive le petit tondu, merde pour le roi. Napoleon was late for the wedding as he was working on plans for the upcoming campaign and lost track of the time. The first thing Napoleon noticed in a woman was not her face or breasts but her hands and feet. If her hands and feet were small, he was prepared to find her attractive, but not otherwise. The second quality he sought was feminity. There were several women in Napoleon's life. Soon after arriving in Valence the 16-years old Lieutenant Napoleon became attracted to ext. Napoleon fell in love and called her Emma. Too young and too poor, the officer was not very eligible and Caroline seems to have treated him with disdain. In the end of his life Napoleon recalled his first flirtation. The money his fellow officers spent on courting Napoleon spent on books. While stationing in Marseilles he courted ext. Desiree's father was a textile millionaire and politically was a royalist. She was brunette, with large dark-brown eyes. Napoleon called napoleon bonaparte körpergröße Eugenie for he did not like the name Desiree, with its suggstion of physical desire. Napoleon loved music and enjoyed listening to her singing. However when he went to Paris they drifted apart. The pretty and witty ext. Her husband was arrested for fraud three months into the marriage, and sentenced to 2 years in prison. In 1806 the couple was granted a divorce. Shortly afterward she became a mistress to Napoleon, an arrangement set up by his sister Caroline. In less than a year their son, Léon, was born. He was Napoleon's first illegitimate child, and proof that Napoleon was capable of fathering a child, establishing that his wife, Joséphine read belowwas infertile. This very charming woman was not a pillar of chastity. The marriage was opposed by Napoleon's mother who felt that her son was marrying beneath his status. Josephine came from the island of Martinique in the Caribbean Sea. Her family had been involved in producing sugar from their plantation and they owned slaves. When Josephine was 15 years old she married vicomte Alexandre de Beauharnais. They had 2 children, Hortense and Eugene. Alexandre was executed in Paris in 1794 and his wife was likely to meet the same fate, but the timely fall of Robespierre and the end of the Terror saved her life. Josephine was a charming woman and became the mistress of Barras. It brought her into the high circles of French society. Barras soon wished to relieve himself of what he saw as a rather expensive plaything. When Napoleon Bonaparte met Josephine he fell in love and wanted to marry her. Josephine however was reluctant at first, unsure that this very young general would provide her with the life-style to which she had become accustomed. Furthermore, the marriage was opposed by his family. Especially his mother felt that her son was marrying beneath his status. Josephine was previously married, with 2 kids, and little money. Barras however encouraged Napoleon and Josephine, and they were married in 1796. Napoleon was late for the wedding as he was working on plans for the upcoming Italian campaign and lost track of the time. Josephine was not a pillar of chastity napoleon bonaparte körpergröße had not yet reconciled herlself to a life of monogamy with him. After the campaign in Egypt Napoleon had returned to France determined to divorce Josephine. He ordered her belongings to be removed. She, on the other hand, was determined to save their marriage. In 1809 Napoleon told Josephine that he was going to get their marriage annulled. Josephine fainted, then wept and pleaded, to no avail. After fourteen years, Josephine passed out of Napoleon's life. Josephine was 6 years older than Napoleon. Love me my pretty one. Her father died from wounds received in the battle of Maciejowice. Marie was married to a man 49-years old. He was a rich regional governor. She went to meet him, dressed in peasant style, and as his carriage passed handed him a bunch of flowers. Patriotic friends of Marie tried to push her into becoming his mistress, which at first she refused to do, but although still married she finally yielded in the hope of inducing Napoleon to treat Poland equitably. Marie, my sweet Marie, my first thought is of you. Love me my pretty one, and hold your bouquet tight. In 1810 Marie Walewska gave birth to Napoleon's son, Alexander. In 1814 Marie took her son and secretly visited Napoleon in Elba. Napoleon was delighted with Alexander and played hide-and-seek with the boy. At fourteen Alexander refused to enter the Russian army after the Napoleonic Wars Poland was occupied by Russiaescaping to Napoleon bonaparte körpergröße and thence to Paris, where the French government refused to extradite him to the Russian authorities. After the fall of the November Uprising in 1831 he took out letters of naturalization in France and entered the French army. In 1855 Walewski succeeded Drouyn de Lhuys as minister of foreign affairs, and acted as French plenipotentiary at the Congress of Paris next year. Marie-Louise of Austria, his second wife. In the end of 1809 the Emperor had asked his ambassador to Russia to send him a report on Tzar Alexander's sister, Anna. But the Russians replied that the discussion of Anna's marriage must wait 2 years, until she was eighteen. Meanwhile, Metternich of Austria had taken the initiative in suggesting the Archduchess Marie-Louise. The request proved not unwelcome. Tactfully he commanded pictures of his Austrian victories removed from all palace walls. In 1815 Napoleon abdicated in favour of his son, whom he had not seen since his exile to Elba. The Allies however were against this idea. Thus after 1815 François-Joseph-Charles Bonaparte lived in Austria, the country of his mother. After Napoleon's death on Napoleon bonaparte körpergröße. Helena, Marie-Louise married the pirate-looking Austrian General von Neipperg. The couple had three children. There is nothing more fickle, more vague, or more powerful; yet capricious as it is, it is nevertheless much more often true, reasonable, and just, than we imagine. To attach no importance to public opinion, is a proof napoleon bonaparte körpergröße you do not merit its suffrage. All the techniques and tools of propaganda used by Napoleon — the press, art, and even medals — already existed; he merely employed them on a scale and in ways never before attempted. Self-promotion has become science, and consultants are paid large sums of money to promote one candidate or another. In Napoleon's lifetime, such self-promotion was not nearly so widespread: king and emperors did not stand for election or commission public opinion polls. Napoleon, however, realised the value of such activities and was quick to use them to promote his rise to power. His proclamations, bulletins and letters to the government were all written with his own interests in mind. Before him, perhaps only Caesar with his Commentaries had fully understood the power of the written word. By the time of Lodi in 1796, Napoleon had also realised the value of image control beyond the written word and was encouraging the production of prints, statues and medallions promoting his napoleon bonaparte körpergröße and his achievements. His Italian and Egyptian campaigns became, in the eyes of the public, crusades of good against evil, those of an enlightened heroes against the barbarians. There was some truth in this made the images all the more believable. Napoleon never lost his understanding of the importance of what today we call 'spin control. He used these publications to exaggerate his victories and spread his interpretation of these successes. The bulletins, and the manufacture of his legend, complicated the task of the historians from the outset of Napoleon's first campaign. Soldiers of Italy, will you fail in courage or constancy. How successful were Napoleon's propaganda campaigns. However, aside from some setbacks, Napoleon's efforts were largely very successful. He proved himself to be among the first masters of the art of image-making. But the other leaders were no better. Russian monarch, Tzar Alexander, was implicated in the murder of his father. Napoleon did not owe his rise to power to the arts of a demagogue or a party-manager though he was no mean exponent of the art of propagandabut to his transcendent ability as a military leader and as a ruler. Such a combination of qualities can hardly be paralleled in the modern world; and he is more akin to the world conquerors of ancient times, who were his inspiration. Napoleon was not particularly cruel, wicked or vindictive; his sins were on the heroic scale - the sins of pride. Even his enemies admitted that he waged war according to the accepted standards of his age. Sometimes his troops behaved badly, like for example in Syria. But the same we can say about the behavior of Russian troops under Suvorov in Poland, Wellington's troops in sacked Badajoz, or the behavior of the Spaniards towards the French prisoners captured in the battle of Baylen. However it was nothing systemic, nothing on the grand scale, genocidal. On similarities between Hitler and Napoleon. Napoleon and Hitler invaded Russia, and both did it in June. Adolf Hitler started on June 22, 1941. This is when the grass is green and good for horses, and there is plenty of time before the harsh Russian winter cover with deep snow all the roads. Only fool would start the campaign in autumn or winter regardless if one uses horses or tanks. Hitler hated Jews and he is responsible for the mass murder of approximately 6. Most of the Jews were killed in extermination camps and mass shootings. Many were subjected to slave labor. The ascendancy of Napoleon proved to be an important event in Jewish emancipation from old laws restricting them to ghettos, as well as the many laws that limited Jews' rights to property, worship, and careers. After Waterloo and Napoleon's second abdication, the counter-revolution restored discriminatory measures in many countries. War undoubtedly fascinated and intoxicated Napoleon's mind. There is no doubt that Napoleon was physically napoleon bonaparte körpergröße - 'death overtakes the coward, but never the brave until his hour has come,'he said, and examples of his courage will be cited from Arcola to Lutzen. Nor did he have any difficulty with decisions which would lead to the death of thousands. Indeed, he was almost indifferent to individual suffering: 'What are the deaths of a million men to me. It is astonishing that his troops forgave this: success was, perhaps, more important in those days than compassion. During the attack he received a bayonet wound. In 1793, the French republican troops had taken the city of Marseille but were halted before Toulon, where the French royalists had called in British-Spanish forces. Allies forces at Touln consisted of approx. They were supported by 12 British ships-of-the-line and several smaller vessels. The 24-years old Napoleon with his artillery destroyed several ships anchored in harbor. The British-Spanish troops were forced to sail away. The siege of Toulon was a great victory for the Revolutionary government in Paris and it marked Napoleon's entry into the limelight. He was praised by politicians and military men. In the age of 24 he was promoted to brigadier general. Napoleon incurred the greatest danger on the field of battle. The Young Guard stormed the vilage without firing a shot and ejected all the enemy with the bayonet. Storming bridges under heavy enemy's fire was always one of the most dangerous military actions. Napoleon's horse was wounded, and he found himself in the waters by the bridge. His napoleon bonaparte körpergröße Louis and friend Marmont pulled him out and the French carried the day. The Austrian troops were routed. napoleon bonaparte körpergröße Napoleon always considered this to have been one of his most dangerous moments. At 1814 Napoleon made a tour of the field and had exposed himself recklessly to artillery fire in order to animate his wavering young troops. He got up without a wound, mounted another horse and rode off to align the other battalions of the Guard. Especially Austria was hostile toward the Revolutionary France. War brings the need for more troops and additional officers and generals. War also produces casualties in need of replacement. It was a perfect time for the young and ambitious officers. In such turbulent times Napoleon took the command of the Army of Italy. Italy was not unified as we know it today, but divided into a number of independent kingdoms. The most important of these to the French was Piedmont, whose king had allied himself with the Austrians. It was Napoleon's first campaign as army commander. However, of the French Republic's 13 field armies, the army in Italy was the most neglected. It lacked sufficient cavalry and artillery. The soldiers were chronically unpaid and short of everything: uniforms, shoes, greatcoats, bayonets, ammunition etc. They kept themselves alive by plundering the French and Italian countryside. The first victories greatly improved the morale of his troops. Within few weeks the Army of Italy became a fine fighting machine. Napoleon wasted no time puting Austrians to the sword in Italy. The campaign was a masterpiece. Five days later he had napoleon bonaparte körpergröße 4 times defeated the Austrians. Then he turned upon the Sardinianswho in another 5 days were in helpless retreat on Turin. Napoleon won close to 50 battles in his career. The victories from 1805 to 1807 were both easy and decisive. Battles of Ulm, Austerlitz, Jena and Friedland are among Napoleon's greatest victories. The Napoleonic system and psyche required force. They were a series of campaigns fought between France under the Napoleon and a number of European nations. The Napoleonic Wars had a profound military impact. Until the time of Napoleon, European states employed relatively small armies, made up of both national soldiers and mercenaries. During the wars warfare was to change and move towards modern warfare leaving behind forever the idea of war as a sport of kings and moving towards the concept of Total War and the nations in arms. For example during the Seven Years' War of 1756—1763, few armies ever numbered more than 150,000. By contrast, the French army peaked in size in the 1790s with 1. Not Russia, Britain, Prussia, and Austria could defeat him alone. It required combined forces of all the countries, many bloody campaigns and numerous coalitions to remove him from power. The Allies got their ears beaten down over their socks many times. In 1805 Napoleon made a mug of Austrian general Mack, in 1807 he dummied Russian commander Bennigsen, in 1809 the British under general Moore fled before him to the sea. The allied armies and best generals were defeated, their countries were conquered, their capitols were captured. Within just few years he ruled half of the European Continent as no other man in history. In 1805 British mothers would tell their children at night, 'If you don't say your prayers, Boney will come and get you. France became the first world power, in 1812 it consisted of 134 Departments. Among them the department of Leman, with Geneva as capital, the department of Rome, capital Rome, the department of the Zuyder-Zee, capital Amsterdam, and the department of the Lower Elbe, capital Hamburg. France had counted as vassals states the kingdoms and duchies of Italy, Spain, Poland and majority of Germany. Napoleon's favorite napoleon bonaparte körpergröße were: - strategy of the central position - strategy of indirect approach He had two basic battle plans: - battle of maneuver 66 % of his battles - battle of attrition 33 % Napoleon's strategy and tactics blew off the doors, boot, roof and bonnet, the whole bloody lot. Allied commanders were left sprawling on the floor as Napoleon jigged away in celebration. He created new countries and made kings, and and would have brought the house down if the Russians and harsh winter 1812 had not finished his half-million strong Grand Army. And then it went from bad to worse. The campaigns of 1813, 1814 and 1815 were defeats. The massive allied armies entered France and Napoleon abdicated. Article: Napoleon's tactics and strategies are studied in many military academies around the World. This is the best testimony to his military greatness. Napoleon's great victory at in 1809. He was outthinking his opponents at any given level. During this time he instituted many of the important reforms of his tenure as leader of France. In February 1800, by a vote of 3 million to 1,500, the people of France confirmed him as First Consul when they ratified the new constitution. According to David Markham, Napoleon brought many napoleon bonaparte körpergröße, and certainly the thing that made all others possible, was stability in France. It is during this period, the Battle of Marengo excepted, his reign was known more for its domestic accomplishments than its military glory. Before Revolution almost all the wealth was concentrated in the clergy and nobility. But almost all the taxes were levied on everybody else. During the Revolution the situation had continued to be chaotic and the economy was barely functional. Before Napoleon became First Consul the debt had become intorelable, reckoned at 3 times the national treasury. Napoleon raised millions of francs from bankers and reformed the tax system. He also established the Bank of France. These changes gradually led to the elimination of all debt, eliminated high interest rates for loans, brought stability and put France on sound financial footing. Inflation was eliminated and he never had to devalue his currency. Napoleon worked hard and he expected others to work equally hard. Working 18 hours a day was not unusual for him. Napoleon assembled many talented minds in the service of France. He almost always abided with the majority vote, though he was not required to do so. He was eager to obtain information and he wished to hear the opinions of all who were entitled to hold any. Among the members of the Council, the wish top please him sometimes superseded every other consideration; but when he perceived this, he never failed to restore the discussion to its proper tone. He believed that every man could rise as far as his ability could carry him, and it was the state's job to give its citizens the ability to do just that. His often quoted belief that napoleon bonaparte körpergröße every soldier's knapsack is found a Marshal's baton' represented his attitude in civil as well as military spheres. In civilian life, he defended the rights of peasants and emigres alike and granted all men the opportunity to excel. He initiated the Legion of Honour, which reinforced the idea that all men could rise as far as their talents would take them. He removed the napoleon bonaparte körpergröße of caste and priviledge, granted religious freedom and established a new economic order. These actions sent terror into the hearts of the monarchs of Europe. All my exertions were directed to illuminating the mass of the nation, instead of brutifying them by ignorance and superstition. There were also private schools and religious schools, they both shared a significant amount of the esponsibility for education. The elaborate coronation of Napoleon in Notre Dame in 1804, marks a further stage in the reaction of the Napoleonic regime against the principles of the Revolution. Napoleon became obsessed with the problem of making his dynasty legitimate and permanent. Napoleon wished to combine the rights of man with all that was best in Old French law, the latter being in two distinct kinds; customary law, practised in the north, Roman law in the south. When looking for experts to do the spade work, Napoleon chose two from each region. This was then debated in the Council of State, with Napoleon presiding at 57 sessions, more than half the total. Napoleon found himself at one with the lawyers on most essentials: equality of all before the law, and end to feudal rights and duties, involability of property, freedom of conscience, freedom to choose one's work, and these principles were codified. Napoleon agreed with the Revolutionary principle that marriage was a civil act, but he wished young people to enter into it responsibly. He was against girls as young as 15 or 16 being married to older men. And there were proposals for girls to marry at 13 and boys at 15. The Emperor gave France a new criminal code and the judges to administer it. The jury system had been introduced under the Revolution - probably an import from England. Napoleon thought very well of it, but the Council of State did not. In 1808, against Napoleon's wishes, the Council suppressed the jury which decides whether there is or is not a case against the accused and replaced it by a chamber of arraignment, one to each court of appeal. The Empire was to endure only 10 years, but the ideas behind it were to survive down to the present day. The Code Napoleon and the principle of self-government became part of the fabric of continental Europe, and no king was ever to dare restore the feudal privileges which Napoleon had abolished. The impression which he made by his presence, can be described by no other term that that of grandeur. To be able to rise to power in France, to build such a large army and empire over such a very very short amount of time and to have such an influence over such a wide area, is nothing short of brilliant. Napoleon's meteoric rise shocked not only France but all of World. Even in countries such as Germany, Austria, Russia and Britain, which frequently were his adversaries, Napoleon has remained an admired figure, if sometimes grudgingly. Napoleon was a charismatic battle captain. He imposed his personality on his army and inspired his troops, veterans and recruits, Frenchmen and foreign alike, with pride, loyalty and devotion. The impression which he made by his presence, can be described by no other term that that of grandeur. When a military band serenaded the Emperor, they vested their patriotic air with the essence of their hearts and souls - for this man seemed the very embodiment of the cause for which they happily risked their lives. As the Emperor on horseback reviewed the regiments, the troops greeted him with napoleon bonaparte körpergröße enthusiasm. The shouts of the soldiers, thousands upon thousands of them even drowned out the music of the regimental bands, whose members were playing their hearts out, sounding the glorious marches of the Empire. The infantry raised their shakos aloft on the points of their bayonets, the cavalry brandished their sabers and lances. In 1812 Napoleon stopped in front of Italian Officer Calosso, and said few words to him. From that day on, I devoted my life to him with a fanaticism which time has not weakened. I had only one regret, which was that I only had one life to place at his service. He refused all promotion and was completely devoted to his emperor and obsessed with glory. The first rank faced right about, and both ranks raised their swords and crossed them over the head of Napoleon. The Emperor bent his head laughingly and finished the inspection under the canopy of steel. Partly he used material rewards and incentives - titles, medals, awards; partly he resorted to deliberate theatrical meausures to bend men to his will; but above all there was the sheer power of personality or charisma that emanated from his eyes which so many of his contemporaries described. To his veterans 'emperor' was a military rank above 'general' or 'marshal'. Soldiers never addressed him as 'Your Majesty' or 'Sire' but always 'Mon Empereur'. He seldom forgot a face, never a kindness. Klemens Metternich of Austria never succumbed to his charm, and describing Napoleon's character as consisting of egotism and nepotism. Talleyrand of France appeared to have been deferential in public, but unimpressed in private and made several derogatory remarks napoleon bonaparte körpergröße the Tzar of Russia. Sir Hudson Lowe of Great Britain remained unmarked by Napoleon's appeal. And there were those who hated him, with the French royalists leading the pack. The very name, Napoleon still enthralls. Napoleon was an extraordinary man but a self-made man. Ever since this towering genius conquered Europe, he has been endlessly debated, compared, and made an icon. It was Napoleon himself who helped to create this legend, and of course, the legend lives on. The events of his life fired the imaginations of great writers some 250,000 volumes in all since Napoleon's death. He has been the subject of more biographies to date than any other human being except Jesus Christ. Review of troops by Napoleon. Then the gates of the palace opened, the drum majors whirled their batons, the drummers beat the furious staccato, the musicians leaped to life with brazen calls and a thousand voices cried Vive l'Empereur. Napoleon neared the serried ranks of anxious soldiery and the men shouldered their muskets, with the exception of those regiments which had been in combat; these latter were permitted the honour of keeping the butts of their weapons on the ground next to their feet. Napoleon then reviewed each company in considerable detail. The officers and men were faced with a barrage of potentially embarassing questions: Were rations adequate. How many men in the company were sick. The officer without ready and accurate answer was unlikely to see promotion or reward in the near future. As he was questioning the regiment, Napoleon had individual soldiers called out of the ranks to remove their packs and display the contents. He was remarkably attentive to detail and noted each item of a man's belongings, especially such military necessities as shoes and ammunition. When he was satisfied with the appearance of the company or regiment and the administrative competence of its leadership, he would have a battalion or two execute some basic manoeuvres to prove their tactical ability. After the long string of incredible victories between 1796 and 1809 Napoleon believed he could do everything. He lost sight of reality. It is especially visible in his last campaigns. The is one napoleon bonaparte körpergröße the most common examples for this argument. Another example is the Continental System of blocking Great Britain. The costs and dangers to France should have been so obvious, that ot does, show some lack of realism on his part. As it was, the system was more or less abandoned in 1813. Napoleon made several military and political mistakes : fighting on several fronts at once war in Spain and invasion of Russia His aggression raised Tirol and Calabria in Italy as fresh enemies. After that he never regained his greatness. In 1813 Austrian General Radetzky was allied chief-of-staff. He stated, in essence that Napoleon had repeatedly proven to the Allies that he could maneuver his forces and bring superior forces against them. Radetzky advocated that Napoleon's manner of conducting war should not be theirs. Consequently the Allies planned to engage and defeat his marshals separately, and thus weaken Napoleon's army. Radetzky's plan The Trachenberg Plan had exasperated Napoleon. His troops marched and countermarched across Germany, exhausting their resources. The emperor was so busy reacting to Allies maneuvers that he had no time to implement his own strategy. The French lost 2,000 men and 2 guns while the Austrians only 1,300. Napoleon was much depressed by his defeat, and on next day he wrote a letter to the Directory that he would oppose the Austrians once again. Although he would later claim a victory, the Emperor had sufferred his first major defeat. napoleon bonaparte körpergröße He lost out to the determined Austrians under Archduke Charles. The news of the reverse spread like wildfire throughout Europe offering encouragement to his enemies. It was not long however before Napoleon avenged his defeat by crushing the main Austrian army at Wagram. The French losses were very heavy 6. The Russians captured Marshal Davout's marshal baton, 2 flags, and 45 guns. Additionally at least 10,000 Frenchmen were masacred by Cossacks,while another 20,000 died in the freezing river or were crushed to death in the panic to cross - the bridges. Only few thousands managed to escape. In this situation the Russians became the undisputed masters of the battlefield. For example, You met your Berezina. It was the largest battle of the Napoleonic Wars. Napoleon withstood Allies assaults and then counterattacked. Meanwhile another army under Bennigsen attacked his flank. It forced Napoleon to abandon his strongpoints and withdraw his army closer to Leipzig. While he exchanged blows with the Russians to his frontthe Austrians, Bavarians and Wurttembergers attacked his flanks. It was his first defeat on French soil. This setback did not by itself spell the end for Napoleon. Just a few days later the French crushed an isolated allied corps at Napoleon bonaparte körpergröße. While Napoleon attacked the British-Netherland army, part of the Prussian army attacked his flank and rear. Napoleon was outflanked and defeated by numerically superior enemy at in 1814. Napoleon was outflanked and defeated by numerically superior enemy at Waterloo the battle of three armies. Instead of surrendering to the Russians or the Austrians his second wife came from Austria Napoleon chose to surrender to the British. Thus he avoided being sent to the remote and very cold Siberia and was exiled to the island of Saint Helena in the Atlantic Ocean. The island was garrisoned by British troops and by the local regiment, with naval shipping circling the island. Sir Hudson Lowe was appointed by and directly reported to Lord Bathurst, the Secretary for War and the Colonies, in London. Hudson Lowe won praise from Prussian General Blücher who hated Napoleon napoleon bonaparte körpergröße, for his gallantry and judgment in the campaign of 1814. Wellington however had different opinion. He was a stupid man, he knew nothing at all of the world, and like all men who knew nothing of the world, he was suspicious and jealous. By nature so As thou art fond of persecutions, Perhaps thou'st read or heard repeated, How Captain Gulliver was treated, When thrown among the Lilliputians. They tied him down - these little men did - And having valiantly ascended Upon the Mighty Man's protuberance, They did so strut. There was sympathy for him in the British Parliament: Lord Holland gave a speech which demanded the prisoner be treated with no unnecessary harshness. There were plots to rescue Napoleon from captivity including one from Texas by exiled soldiers. There was even a plan to rescue him with a submarine. For Lord Byron, Napoleon was the epitome of the Romantic hero, the persecuted, lonely and flawed genius. In 1821 however Napoleon's health began to fail rapidly and he died in May. In 1840, Louis-Philippe, King of the French obtained permission from the British to return Napoleon's remains to France. Numerous veterans were waiting in the Hotel des Invalides. These lads dressed in the old uniforms came to napoleon bonaparte körpergröße him. The last time they saw him was on the field of battle. The past came back in such a sudden and overwhelming tide when they saw the coffin approach, that struck dumb with grief, they fell on their knees and stretched out their hands towards it, while tears rolled silently down their scarred visages. Tottering, lame, shuffling their feet, the Grumblers took their places behind napoleon bonaparte körpergröße hearse. The crowd saw them and saluted. Two marines in full dress, General Duchand, Loubers in his uniform. All wore in their buttonholes a spring of laurel from the wreaths on the Emperor's coffin. Veterans came from Belgium and the Rhineland. Rumours said Napoleon had landed at Ostend. For many history and military buffs, his tomb is more than just another place. I must forge the peoples of Europe into one people. He was beyond doubt one of the greatest military leaders in history and dominated his times so completely that European history between 1800 and 1815 is commonly described as the Napoleonic era. But his legacy is mixed. As a result of the Napoleonic conquests, the Code Napoleon was introduced into a number of European countries, notably Belgium, where it is still in force. It also became the model for the civil codes of Quebec Province, Canada, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, some Latin American republics, and the state of Louisiana. Today, many of the current legal structures of nations that defied Napoleon are based on the concepts of his Civil Code. Napoleon's legacy is also the modernising of Paris, the official promotion of religious tolerance, the current French legal and educational systems, and the European Union, to name but a few Napoleonic initiatives. After Napoleon there was no turning back: - feudalism was dead. Feudalism, system of financial and judicial privileges for the aristocracy, was common in Europe at the beginning of Napoleon's reign, and was practically non-existent at the end. Serfdom was abolished even in countries allied with Napoleon, like Duchy of Warsaw. Grant, Winfield Scott, and Robert E. Lee gained much of their expertise from studying Napoleonic warfare. The negative impacts: - he left France bankrupt, and her overseas colonies lost - he sought to suppress slave revolt in Haiti - 10 years of wars and several million people dead throughout Europe Napoleon can be accused of failing to create a long lasting peace, but the study of his enemies and their policies prove there were other guilty parties: Britain, Russia, Austria and Prussia. All of the European powers sought expansion as an end in itself. History proves that although Britain declaimed so loudly against Napoleon's grasping spirit, she has since acquired more territory than she ever charged him with conquering. Historians who have attempted to make sense of the Napoleonic legacy are confronted with a regime whose actions often seem contradictory. Napoleon boasted of having ended the Revolution in France, even as he endeavored to spread it abroad. His rule was monarchical in all but name, but, master of the plebiscite, he invoked the national will as the source of his legitimacy. Through his famous Code, he consolidated the basic legal framework of the Revolution, even as he routinely violated the fundamental civil liberties proclaimed in 1789 - freedom from arbitrary detention, freedom of the press, and others. Given the ambiguous legacy, it is understandable that recent scholars of the regime have resorted to ambiguous formulations in attempting to characterize it.
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Where Love And Friendship Dwelt. While Napoleon attacked the British-Netherland army, part of the Prussian army attacked his flank and rear. The Billy Ruffian: The Bellerophon and the Downfall of Napoleon. After a brief civil war in 1768-69, Corsica was incorporated into France in 1770. Leadership of France Landing at Fréjus, France, in October 1799, Napoleon went directly to Paris, where he helped overthrow the Directory, a five-man executive body that had replaced the king. Josephine fainted, then wept and pleaded, to no avail. Nevertheless, in July 1792 Napoleon was promoted to captain in the regular army, and in 1796, having helped to suppress a royalist insurrection against the revolutionary government in Paris, he was made commander of the French army in Italy. Napoleon preferred to preach simplicity. The island was garrisoned by British troops and by the local regiment, with naval shipping circling the island. He was against girls as young as 15 or 16 being married to older men. This myth was created by the British either deliberately or as a result of a blatant mistake.